Packing a Storage Unit

If you’re looking to store your items in Louisburg, or anywhere else, some tips and tricks can be helpful in getting the most from your square feet rented. Generally, the larger the unit, the more expensive the unit, so packing efficiently can be extremely valuable. There are two primary storage situations: regular access storage and limited access storage.

Regular Access Storage

With regular access storage, you’re going to want to access items in your storage unit occasionally. In some cases this may be weekly or monthly. In this case, when filling your storage unit, you’ll want to leave an aisle down the middle. This aisle will allow you to get to all of your belongings, while moving the least amount of ‘stuff’ that might be in the way. You also want a drive-up unit that allows for 24×7 access to your items.

… you’ll want to leave an aisle down the middle. This aisle will allow you to get to all of your belongings….

Limited Access Storage

If you don’t need regular access to your item, such as a military deployment or extended overseas adventure, then you might as well pack your self storage unit as tight as possible. This means you don’t need to leave an aisle and you can really pack your items in there from floor to ceiling. It also means drive-up storage and 24×7 access are less important to you.

Big Bulky Items

You might be tempted to load in your big and bulky items to your self-storage unit first so that you can pack smaller items around them. Your logic is good, however, if you need these items pulled out, you may quickly find that you must move a lot of smaller items/boxes to get the bulkey items out of the unit. For this reason, we recommend placing bulky items toward the front of the unit (near the door) – to the sides still allowing for a walkway. Play Tetris with your items to get the most from your unit. Did you ever think about putting that sofa on end?


Consider some moth balls and even rat/mouse poison in your unit…

Consider some moth balls and even rat/mouse poison in your unit, especially if your items are to be stored for a long time. Rodents and other pests can really make a mess of your belongings, and deterrents aren’t that hard to come by. Keep in mind safety procedures and the fact that using mouse poison might lead to finding dead mice in your storage unit. We at LouisburgStorage.Com would take finding a dead mouse over ruined garments or a ruined mattress any day.

The Obvious Stuffing

This may seem obvious, but it isn’t to everyone. Put your largest/heaviest boxes on the bottom and stack to the ceiling. You are paying rent on every foot of that storage unit – and that includes the height! Obviously keep your stacks safe so your belongings don’t come crashing down on you – but if you start with the heaviest items on the bottom you should get quite a little height before things become dangerous. If you’re using a portable storage unit, keep in mind that items may shift while moving. And in all cases, make sure your packing methods will not restrict the door from opening and closing freely.

Never Never List

Never keep live animals in your storage unit. Also never keep hazardous materials (that includes poisons and flammables to name a couple) in there. Attempting to live in your storage unit is also a big no no. These restrictions are not only likely in your lease agreement with the operator but also written into local laws and regulations in your area. It generally is a bad idea to keep perishables such as food and live plants as they’re likely to go bad and cause your other items to smell or even adjacent units. You want to be a good neighbor, don’t you?

Never keep hazardous materials (that includes poisons and flammables to name a couple) in [your storage unit].

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